Thursday, January 3, 2013

Energy Performance in Mobile Home

It is one of many scars IT mobile homes is that they are nightmares for heating and cooling. For someone who is new to the industry, this may be true. With a few tips on what to consider when buying your motorhome, we can make the transition for you.

The first thing we want is to find the oven. Most in a mobile home furnaces rated at 80% efficiency. Want a camper looking for a furnace having 90% or more and the oven has been approved by HUD for a mobile home.

The second element is the central air conditioning unit. They want to see an air conditioner, which is a division system. This product uses the furnace fan to move the air. The type of unit A / C you want to stay away from the older models, less efficient known as discrete entities. These units have their own fan and duct system. They are much larger in size compared to their counterparts.

Third Dedicate desired area for attention is the largest heat loss or gain. The roof. Older caravans had metal roofs with very little insulation in them. People usually covered in black cloaks only to discover that it became a hot roof in a hell in the summer. No wonder that your A / C will not turn off in the middle of summer. Looking for a home that has been coated with a white rubber coating. Better yet, for those who have had to look for a white rubber insulated ceiling. These roofs have a duration of 20 years and provide sun reflection and extra insulation to keep you comfortable. Enter your A / C and furnace a break when they need it most.

The last area you want, you have to pay attention to the windows and doors. They hope to find a mobile home that the old aluminum crankcase with vinyl windows have double glazed windows have been replaced. If not, you want to make sure that the seller all storm windows and screens that have to go with. You also want to make sure the windows work properly and that the sealing and weatherstripping materials are in good condition. Open and close all doors, so you will not see the light, if you have a closed door.

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